Introduction to Machine Learning
Google에서 제공하는 무료 기계학습 입문 과정.
Learning objectives
- Understand the different types of machine learning.
- Understand the key concepts of supervised machine learning.
- Learn how solving problems with ML is different from traditional approaches.
Definition of ML
In basic terms, ML is the process of training a piece of software, called a model, to make useful predictions or generate content from data.
Types of ML Systems
- Supervised learning
- Regression model
- Classification model
- Binary classification
- Multi-class classification
- Unsupervised learning
- Reinforcement learning
- Generative AI
What’s Next
- Introduction to machine learning problem framing: If you’re looking for a field-tested approach for creating ML models and avoiding common pitfalls along the way.
- People + AI guidebook: If you’re looking for a set of methods, best practices and examples presented by Googlers, industry experts, and academic research for using ML.
- Machine learning crash course: If you’re ready for an in-depth and hands-on approach to learning more about ML.